

I’m so glad you’re here.

I started looking inward after watching Kung Fu Panda 3 for the tenth time. Who am I? What is my chi? If I am the sum of my parts, what are my parts? 

I’ve always been told that I needed to narrow my focus to be successful but I kept finding myself bored by monotony. I have finally given in to all of the lil voices inside me telling me to pursue ALL THE THINGS! 

I realized that the things I enjoy doing give me the most energy. Work smarter, not harder, right? So this is me taking chances and having faith in all of the things that come easily to me. This is me having less fear about leaning into what I’m good at and delegating the things that make my brain melt.

This is my journey of wholeness and authenticity that will undoubtedly fail and succeed and grow and change and hopefully make you feel less alone in the world. This is a celebration of the unknown and a quest for human connection through compassion and curiosity.



Podcast Coming Soon!


I present to you the most interesting man I know, my father, Bill Keough.

Join us as we discuss current events, historical figures, family lore, and parenthood from our respective generational perspectives. 

We laugh a lot, I cry sometimes, and we both love a good story. 

Let's bring our skills together for dream team collaborations!

LFG Adventure

Fire Mountain Doula

Doula Care

Learn more about my virtual and in-person doula services.

clothing, accessories, housey things

Collzine merch

LFG Merch

Doula/Family stuff

Pride Gear


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